And so it continues #100DaysofCode #Day9

Abhishek Prasad
2 min readJun 28, 2017


Now today was damn awesome! I got a lot of stuff done and caught up with the work I had been putting off for the last two day and maybe two months even. Of course, I had to give up going to exercise but hey, you win some, you lose some.

I finally finished my Wikipedia viewer project.

It still requires some optimisation and changes but the basic structure is there. Major shout out to Natalia Konovalova! This woman is helping me learn things which I never tried before. It’s because of her motivating me, I did my first collaboration on Github. Although 7 lines of code were changed, but damn that feels good! I also started reading You Don’t Know JS or popularly known among developers as YDKJS and quite literally, I don’t know JS.

There is so much stuff to learn. I have been developing projects for 5–6 months now but I genuinely feel that my learning curve is going up due to the current situation and plans.

I also started off my react Nano-Degree today, which is fun because the basics are explained in a very awesome way. I still have finished just 8% of this months tutorials and I know more about these SPA frameworks than I did even when I tried contributing in open source.

Also I was able to solve few questions of the intermediate algo scripting of FCC.

I am really finishing off the day on a high note. If anyone of you peeps like reading non-fiction just give “Solve for Happy” by Mo Gowdat a read. Absolutely awesome book! Makes you question things which you’d have never thought of.

As for someone asking me to insert a quote everyday, here it goes..

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.”

― Robert Frost

Confession- I love Robert Frost’s Poems..



Abhishek Prasad

Full-stack software engineer @carsomeMY , newbie lifter, still trying to figure things out and sow things to reap