Decisions Decisions..

Abhishek Prasad
2 min readMay 30, 2018


So I have some time before my joining starts. Man’s gonna be officially employed from 18th of June! I have decided to work on some open source projects which I hope will be of some use. One is a project named Nav-e, it’s an pretty cool organisation which aims at providing navigation for electronic cars. Pretty rad idea in my opinion! You can get involved in contributing to it as well. Check out-( We have a dedicated gitter channel too and the mentors are super duper friendly. Moving along, the other project which I’ll be working on will be a project which I’ll be doing under my own org(oh yeah! That just happened). At the moment there is a vague idea but then again lets see how this goes.

So the decision that had to be made was for WrippleFoss I wanted to try something which I haven’t as that would have me learning a few more things. I ended up deciding to use GraphQL for that. Now that decision was in the making when my Mac crashed. I had done so before but this time even factory reset wont work! Damn. So here I am on my old laptop which saved me atleast I can now have experience of coding on windows and now I can help my juniors from college who are looking for help in getting start with coding and having a windows OS.

The first thing to do would be to solve few issues in Nav-e. The back-end needs a new feature which helps in making navigation easier. Then the front end needs to be connected to the back-end for visualization. It’s gonna be fun!
The other thing to do is for WrippleFoss. At the moment, I have to set up the basic application to get it running. The stack I have decided is gonna be Meteor+React+GraphQL+Apollo+Mongo. I didn’t realize there were so many technologies involved, wow!

I never realized meteor was so powerful. It helps run all the other tech in the stack in a bare-bones skeleton project! I am impressed. The best part is it plugs in directly with just about any JS library.

So I guess those are my plans for the summer or whatever 15 odd days I get with it. I would again like to request anyone wanting to contribute to the code base of Nav-e, please DM me.



Abhishek Prasad

Full-stack software engineer @carsomeMY , newbie lifter, still trying to figure things out and sow things to reap