Slow and not so steady #100DaysofCode #Day7

Abhishek Prasad
2 min readJun 26, 2017


It’s been one of those days where you expect things would be the same but unexpectedly they work out to be something way different. After yesterday’s “Day Off”, skipping going for exercise seemed like a good option as I wanted to rest and sleep in.

One of the weirdest things happened. Out of the blue, I felt like watching CS50. So I did that for an hour or so which got me half way through Week 1.

Solved 2–3 problems in FCC and courtesy to Natalia Konovalova, signed up for this amazing website- which uses visual games to develop your Algorithmic skills. Pretty Rad!

Strangely, I found myself reading about Space-Time continuum. Beware, sometimes… just sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

After finishing the weather app-

and the Pata-tap clone, I started working on the wikipedia viewer project and folks, sometimes… just sometimes the latest is not always fun. *whispers* I’m talking about some feature problems of the latest JQuery version.

I have enrolled myself in the Udacity’s Nanodegree course, so let’s see how that goes.

Beginning is easy — Continuing is hard.- Japanese proverb

I along with a couple of friends are planning to go for a hackathon. Let’s see we are quite excited for our first hackathon.

The day had its ups as well. Frustrations went down a couple of notches. It’s amazing when the phone buzzes and you get the text from the person you’ve been waiting to talk for what seemed like a loooong time. I can only hope that doesn’t change.

Song of the day-
PS- SoundCloud is actually the best!



Abhishek Prasad

Full-stack software engineer @carsomeMY , newbie lifter, still trying to figure things out and sow things to reap