Taking a day off.. #100DaysofCode #Day6

Abhishek Prasad
2 min readJun 25, 2017

It’s very early in the day. But the reason I am writing it right now is to make sure that I have the time later because I haven’t been able to code till now. The reason being it’s Jagannatha Rath Yatra!!

Its the time of the year when the Lord of the universe is available to be seen by general public, he comes outside and rides in his chariot along with his sister(Subhadra) and brother(Baladeva). The devotees take this opportunity to get together and enjoy. Its a big occasion here in various cities in India. I felt really nice visiting there, meeting other people, seeing the culture which I follow come to life.

I wont lie, I haven’t done anything related to coding right now. I did feel a little off after coming back from the procession but whenever I feel sad, I have my dear friends who I don’t know how I found them, take care of me. Credits- Sanjana Jha and others.

So today I wish to enroll in the React Nanodegree of Udacity. I will work a little bit more on the offline feature app. Let’s see how that goes. I also wish to start the wikipedia viewer project of FCC, I don’t know where to start so I would be really thankful to you if you could help a little.

I don’t know whether at the present pace I can finish the FCC SpeedRun. I might have to push a bit more to get the results.

Hence, I’m gonna leave it off here. Whatever I get accomplished I’ll post it tomorrow.

“Sometimes when you stray off your track, life nudges you hard…and that’s not bad!” -Mo Gowdat



Abhishek Prasad

Full-stack software engineer @carsomeMY , newbie lifter, still trying to figure things out and sow things to reap